
Discover the joy of shopping in Mount Gretna! From local boutiques to unique finds, our town offers a variety of stores to explore and find what you need.

  • Kirsch Antiques - (717) 715-2599 or

  • La Cigale -

    • Since 1999, La Cigale in Mount Gretna has been a family-run shop crafting vibrant Provençal Tablecloths and linens, offering custom-sized pieces in various designs and colors, representing the finest Country French Provençal style.

  • MG Mercantile -

    • The Mercantile is a recently opened store offering a unique selection of curated, including ready-to-plate food items, cheeses from Lititz's Savory Gourmet, and collaborations with local vendors and artisans, all in a charming setting with a shaded patio for customers.